Thursday, November 17, 2011

Freeze dried ice cream and an a ugly handmade sweater.

As promised I wanted to at least share a few pictures from the Makers Fair which took place in NYC.    This is me posing with the ugliest handcrafted sweater.  It kind of reminds me of the christmas sweaters my mom would buy for me as a kid.   I actually loved wearing them until I got about 11.  My mom would sometimes buy 3 of the same sweater for my sisters and I.    I loved the hanging pom pom and the felted lettering.   It made me feel even more special and festive during the holidays.  I do agree that the above sweater is over top and beyond Quacker Factory.

I bought some freeze dried Chocolate Ice Cream for fun at the fair.   It tasted good but since it wasn't cold it tasted more like some sort of meringue cookie.  

This experience did make me remember time my sister and I went on a bus trip to Woodbury commons shopping outlet with my mom (maybe in the early 90's).   It was a real hot day and there was a vendor selling something  called "ice cream of the future"  We thought it was some kind of a joke but we really wanted to try it.  My mom bought us some and I loved it.   They are now called Dipping Dots and you can find them in supermarkets and museum cafes etc..  I haven't had any since that day but I remember the feeling of eating something that is familiar with just a different texture and loving it.



  1. Yay, Shevon. You're back! I do love that photo of you; however, not the sweater. I too would have to run from that thing. lol Dippin Dots are so cool. I've had them a few times at Carowinds (amusement park).

  2. Hey Libby, Thanks so much for your comments. It feels so good to be back !



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